Alpha 8 - Major Update

Major Update! Alpha 8 focuses on fine tuning the flight model, adjusting and expanding visual effects, and optimizing models/textures. Overall, this should perform better, load quicker, and be more fun to play.

Aerodynamic Improvements:

- Helicopter rolls at high speed while turning to face the camera. Faster turns / higher speeds lead to harder turns. Much easier to change direction and maneuver through tight spots.

- Cruise mode now attempts to hold altitude, and cannot be engaged in a climb or descent greater than 600 ft/min. It is greyed out and unavailable under 60% health.

- Adjusted RPM/Lift relationship with health; it's now a slow starting but exponential decay that feels more natural.

- Damage adds unsteadiness as random control movements that become more pronounced as health lowers.

Visual Improvements:

- Rotor blade collisions now emit sparks (placeholder visual)

- Scale adjustment: Models are now accurate to the rest of the world

- Hover/Cruise light flashes more obvious

- Improved all smoke effects

- Removed volumetric clouds and replace with procedural shader (possible redo later)

- UI improvements: Improved tutorial page, fixed compass to only show 1 cardinal direction at a time, added fuel flow indication, removed crosshair

- Explosion is cooler and sounds better

- Ocean now has waves. Purely cosmetic but I like it :)

Misc Improvements:

- Code improvements: Static code conversion, refactored damage calculations & misc triggers. Should be a 10-20% performance improvement.

- Optimized helicopter models for performance.

- All options in pause menu should work correctly now


RotorSim Alpha 350 MB
96 days ago
RotorSim Alpha 8 348 MB
96 days ago

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Thats a cute lil oil rig in the background :)