Version 0.9.2 Update

0.9.2 Update - This minor update includes 14 commits and 37 additions/fixes. This is hopefully the last early release before 1.0, barring any major issues happening as I continue to tie up the loose ends. Thank you for your patience and understanding!


  • High Resolution support: 2D and 3D visuals now scale to 4K and there is support for ultrawide monitors.


  • Removed the rotor blades' raycast-based collision detection in favor of a more performant method (area3ds and some simple vector math)
  • Optimized collisions and LODs for trees within the world
  • Replaced generated dithering with a blue noise image pattern, which leads to better performance, removes high resolution artifacts, and more consistency across all screen sizes
  • Increased collision boundaries for the cargo hook, cargo boxes, and rescuable citizens. It should now be easier to conduct gantry operations and pick up people
  • There is now a "Helicopter Full" message that appears when you can no longer pick up additional citizens
  • Citizens across the world now share an audio source and more aggressively cull their processing at large distances
  • Lowered the brightness of several citizens
  • Further optimized resource management to reduce file sizes and improve loading times
  • Menu sounds were switched out for some more pleasant sounds
  • All audio files converted to OGG, which saves a significant amount of space
  • Loading screens show a bit more information and now require a key press to complete the sequence
  • Aligned preset graphic settings to be more in line with common sense
  • Studio and game branding has been finalized by the very talented Mykaela Nguyen-Daley (see main menu credits for portfolio link)
  • Updated credit text to feature some cool people who helped me a lot (esklarski and The Rainbow Unicorn Cat)


  • Fixed HUD elements sometimes freezing
  • Hid the map position marker until it's correctly aligned on startup
  • Boundary limits now stop being applied once the player travels back into world boundaries
  • Crashing after a mission completion should no longer crash the game
  • Crashing in the tutorial no longer crashes the game
  • Ending cutscene should trigger more reliably
  • NPC planes will now properly scale their speed based on the weather
  • Removed screen flickering on mission reset or player death
  • Campaign completion now properly resets the map progress


  • Players that have high refresh monitors will encounter physics-related stutters at higher FPS, so there is a hard limit of 60 to prevent issues until I figure out how to fix it
  • Control rebinding menu isn't usable with a controller
  • There's a *teeny* chance the game will crash in the tutorial when you pick up a passenger. Not sure why but I'm looking into it
  • In the tutorial map, the control overlay doesn't scale to ultrawide yet.


RotorSim 456 MB
51 days ago
RotorSim 0.9.2 451 MB
51 days ago

Get RotorSim: Helicopter Simulator

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