Alpha Version 6

My big push to get ready for the beta release. The flight model feels great and with the time I spent on the boring stuff (saving/loading/settings) I have a solid foundation to continue and expand.

- Full damage model that takes vulnerable components into account. Control responsiveness and lift is degraded as you take damage. Once you reach a severe level of damage, random engine failures are likely and will further complicate your flight plan.

- Flight model improvements: Reduced a lot of the arcade-style response curves and removed some "helper" physics. The helicopter now feels weighty and doesn't just go where you want with no effort. I think it's still a great arcade-y feel, but it's slower now.

- Behind the scenes: Expanded menus that save/load user settings.

- Control Improvements: Use a gamepad now (check the menus for the control scheme). Only the keyboard inputs can be remapped as of now.

- World creation: With Terrain3D, I will be able to make a bigger and more impressive map with much less effort in preparation for the beta.


RotorSim Alpha 66 MB
Feb 19, 2024
RotorSim Alpha 6.0 66 MB
Feb 19, 2024

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